IP graduates go on to have tremendous success in a variety of employment industries and/or graduate and professional school and stay connected through our LinkedIn group.
Alumni Network
Illinois has awarded degrees to over 1,500 I-Promise recipients since the scholarship program started in 2005.
“As a first-generation college student, I am grateful for the I-Promise scholarship; without it, I may never have attended a major university like Illinois.”

“The community that I-promise cultivated was and still is a major factor in my success. Through the I-Promise program I met many peers who I could relate to as first-generation college students and colleagues and mentors who either shared similar cultural experiences or at least respected my experience. This made a world of a difference because for one, culturally, I felt visible, supported morally and academically, and that my experience as a first-gen, African American female on campus was valid!”

“When I first joined I-Promise in 2005, the year it was founded, I didn’t know much about it, but I quickly learned that it was more than a source of financial support, (although important and necessary), but a community. A community of scholars, staff, and mentors who helped us each semester until graduation day and beyond. In other words, my I-Promise family helped me to keep it moving. I am a firm believer that we are not successful without the support and assistance of others.”